
Projects 2020

Sulregas / Projects 2020


SI Project Internationalization of Irrigation Systems through Pivot Nº 034653

Project Name:

Internationalization of Irrigation Systems through Pivot

Project code|


Main objective|

OT 3 – Reinforcing the competitiveness of SMEs

Region of intervention |


Beneficiary entity|

Sulregas, Lda

Date of approval |


Start date |


Completion date|


Total eligible cost|


European Union financial support |

FEDER = 106.220,25€

Objectives, Activities and Expected Results


With the present internationalization project, Sulregas, Lda aims at a diversification strategy, through entry into new markets, namely Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Chile, Colombia and Ukraine. To this end, it has planned activities related to:

– Knowledge of foreign markets;

– Presence on the web, through the digital economy;

– Development and international promotion of the brand;

– Prospecting and presence in international markets;

– International Marketing;
– Specific certifications for the external market;

Objectives / Expected Results:

– Export intensity of 15.15% of post-project turnover;

– Entry into six external markets

SI Project Bet on the Competitiveness and Qualification of Sulegas Nº 0034635

Designation of the Project|

Gamble on the Competitiveness and Qualification of the Sulregas

Project Code|


Main objective|

OT 3- Reinforcing the competitiveness of SMEs

Region of intervention|


Beneficiary entity|

Sulregas, Lda

Date of approval|


Start date|


Completion date|


Total eligible cost|


Financial support from the European Union|

ERDF = € 40,402.37

Objectives, Expected Activities and Results


Sulregas, Lda has as social object the study, conception and implementation of projects of irrigation systems; marketing and assembly of irrigation equipment, water pipes, motors and water pumps. As a product offering, Sulregas has three types of irrigation systems: drip irrigation; by sprinkling; and through pivot; in addition to providing a service of projection, assembly and installation for each of the typologies / segment.

Objectives / Expected Results:

– To be present in several international markets, namely: Spain, Angola, Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Chile, Colombia and Ukraine;

– Creation of about 3 net jobs between pre-project and post-project;

– Overall turnover of more than 5.8 million euros in 2021 and EBITDA of 6%;

– Develop new products;

– Quality – bets on obtaining a set of Certifications according to the Portuguese Quality System.
